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Natasha Fayle Nutrition

Green Goodness

Meet The Dietitian

My name is Natasha Fayle. I am an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and Exercise Physiologist. I am also a mother of 3. I hold a Masters degree in Nutrition, Dietetics and Exercise Rehabilitation.

I have created Natasha Fayle Nutrition to help adults and children eat real food. I have a passion for low carb, real food nutrition and specialise in helping families better their health through eating real food. 

I am experienced in metabolic management and specialise in adult weight loss and child weight management. Weight management is not just simply calories in, calories out - its actually quite complex. If you are worried about your child's weight or are looking to lose weight yourself, I can help you achieve this in a safe and effective way. 


My main areas of practice are:

- Low carb, real food nutrition

- Ketogenic diets 

- Adult weight loss

- Child weight management

- Helping families to eat real food


Doctor adjusting balance on weighing sca

Weight loss - Adults

Running Children

Weight Management - Children

Healthy Salad

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